Repatriation referral process

Repatriation Referral process

If a baby is admitted and your hospital is not their local hospital, inform the parents early of the possibility their baby will be transferred once fit

It is a Consultants decision when a baby is ready for transferring back to their local hospital. Inform parents of transfer and ask if they would like to accompany their baby

Contact local hospital and confirm they can accept the baby

With preferably 24 hrs notice contact the Cot Bureau on 0300 330 9299 and inform them of the planned transfer. See table 1 for details required to complete a referral

Complete discharge summary and discharge check. Keep parents informed

Once all the documentation is completed inform the Cot Bureau the baby is fit and ready for transfer with the cot reconfirmed.
Only then will the transport team accept the transfer

The Cot Bureau will inform the transport team of the transfer

The transport team will contact nurse caring for the baby for further clinical details, confirm if a parent is eligible to accompany baby and inform staff of an Estimated Time of Arrival

Details required to make a referral (table 1)

  • Name of referring clinician and job title
  • Referring hospital and contact number
  • Baby’s name
  • Baby’s local hospital number, Badger ID and NHS number
  • Baby’s date of birth and time of birth
  • Baby’s gestation at birth and current corrected gestation
  • Baby’s birth weight and baby’s current weight
  • Parents address and postcode
  • The type of care the baby will require (Intensive / High dependency / Special)
  • A brief summary of the baby’s current condition and reason for requesting a transfer

Click the link below to download a PDF for the Pre- transfer checklist.