Acute Referral Process
When you contact Cot bureau for a postnatal acute referral they will ask the information listed below in Table 1. Please indicate at the outset if this is for advice only or the baby is anticipated to require a transfer.
Details required for referral (Table 1)
- Name of referring clinician and job title
- Referring hospital and contact number
- Baby’s name
- Baby’s local hospital number, Badger ID and NHS number
- Baby’s date of birth and time of birth
- Baby’s gestation at birth and current corrected gestation
- Baby’s birth weight and baby’s current weight
- Parents address and postcode
- The type of care the baby will require (Intensive / High dependency / Special)
- A brief summary of the baby’s current condition and reason for requesting a transfer
Emergency Referral Sheet (Table 2)
- Demographic details as given to cot bureau (box 1 of flow chart)
Perinatal details - Perinatal history, mode of delivery, condition at birth, Apgar’s, Cord gases, Resuscitation details
Respiratory - Mode of ventilation and current settings, recent changes and blood gases, ET size, length and position. X-ray findings and other management, including surfactant.
Cardiovascular - Summary of CVS problems, ECHO findings, Blood pressure, capillary time, CVS drug infusions
Fluids and Nutrition - Total fluid volume, Enteral/ IV fluid ml/hr, Type of fluids, NGT/ OGT in place and what size tube and how many cm’s is the tube at, any aspirates/ description of aspirates, what is baby’s urine output, When were bowels last opened, stool appearance, summary of any issues with feeding, any issues with electrolytes, any abdominal imaging taken.
Neurological problems - Summary of CNS problems and treatment that has been given, does the baby fit Toby Cooling criteria, passive/ active cooling started?, conscious level, any seizure activity, moro and suck reflexes normal?, CFM started?, CrUSS taken
Signs/ symptoms of sepsis - Summary of sepsis concerns, CRP/ blood culture results, have IVAB started.
Miscellaneous - Summary of genetic issues, genetic tests taken? Summary of any social issues with family, safeguarding notes available?
Lines drugs and infusions - What access does baby have, UVC/ UAC tip position, have lines been confirmed on x-ray?, Any lab results, Has baby ever required a blood transfusion and when was this, What drug infusions is baby requiring, what drug therapy is baby required